Underage Drinking Prevention
Anheuser-Busch is opposed to underage drinking and supports prevention by providing resources to parents, retailers and educators. Underage drinking is a serious issue – but tremendous progress has been made through sound educational programs and rigorous enforcement of the law.
We’ve developed and supported community-based programs that help parents talk with their children about drinking; help retailers educate their employees on how to properly check I.D.s and prevent sales to minors; remind adults not to provide alcohol to minors; assist schools in building self-esteem among teens; and support law enforcement officials in enforcing the law.
Anheuser-Busch also helps secure premium advertising space in national magazines, on popular websites and on billboards nationwide for the Federal Trade Commission’s “We Don’t Serve Teens” campaign. First launched in 2006, We Don’t Serve Teens provides parents and other adults with tools and information to prevent underage drinking. Information about the program is available at www.DontServeTeens.gov.